Week 1

Week 1

Week 1 Project Management

Week 1 assignment is to plan and sketch a potential final project. Also a tutorial of git and build a personal web site of mine in the class archive describing me and my final project Project Selection Criteria: To chose a topic for the Fab final project,there are some fab criteria need to follow. The product must have at least 1 output and 1 input It must include a hardware component and a mechanical part It's better to have something moving controlled by electronics according to particular events It should use maximum fablab tools and machines as possible during the production Project must be open source and files needs to be available for the community Based on the instruction, I shared a few ideas with my instructors and based on their suggestions I have chosen one for the final project.

Project Idea & Practices

Our instructors asked us to think of possible final projects, and to create a sketch for the main idea (or for multiple ideas).

I’d already been thinking of a possible final project a dream project I must say is an interest to develop a DNA based Data storage system using microalgae in the pursuit of my passion to counter climate change. However, as a first step, I decided to create a useful tool that can help me to grow the microalgae. Hence, I am presenting my idea of developing “Liquid Light”

The initial handmade sketch indicating rudimentary form and function.

Here, are other project ideas that I have been thinking about - GPS Locket for Kids. As, kids generally have a tendency to wander away and it is difficult to continuously track and monitor their movements. So, the focus of this wearable would be to track the movements of kids to protect them from getting lost.

Some digital renders extending the idea of using the lamp and the algae culture medium as a "Breathing Library"

Reading light + Book shelf + Air Purifier + Algae used as protein feed = Voila! That’s my first project idea!

Principles and practices

what is version control ?

Primarily version control enables teams of developers to collaborate on the same software from various locations by tracking modifications, preserving a complete history of the project, and creating branches that can be integrated into the main project.

Setting up GitHub with visual studio code remote SSH

Initial Set Up and Prerequisites

I was already familiar with VScode and was installed on my PC .

Follow the below link to download VScode

Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. RedefinedVisual Studio Code is a code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications. Visual Studio Code is free and available on your favorite platform - Linux, macOS, and Windows.https://code.visualstudio.com/

Install Git follow the below link download git and follow the setup sequence .

DownloadsGit comes with built-in GUI tools ( git-gui, gitk), but there are several third-party tools for users looking for a platform-specific experience. View GUI Clients → Various Git logos in PNG (bitmap) and EPS (vector) formats are available for use in online and print projects.https://git-scm.com/downloads


after installing git we need to make sure whether its running for that open VS code and click Terminal > new Terminal .

Inside new Terminal type in the following command to check git version.

git --version

The git version installed on my laptop is 2.31.1

SSH on VScode

I decided to work with Git locally, and there are two options available to me - SSH (Secure Shell) and HTTP. After careful consideration, I chose to go with SSH as it eliminates the need to repeatedly enter credentials every time I push files to the cloud. To ensure a seamless

setting up remote SSH

open terminal on VS code and type in the following code with user credentials .

config --global user.name <userID>
        config --global user.email <email>

Next, generate the SSH key pair

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "your_email@example.com"

        //by using your email address as the comment.

where -t specifies SSH type, and -C symbolizes the comment.

SSH key is created .

open SSH folder C:\Users\<your_user>/.ssh/

open id_ed25519.pubs on a notepad to find the generated SSH key and copy all the text.

Open GitLab account home page go to preferences > SSH key and paste in the copied key.

I created a new folder on my preferred location where i could store all my fablab files , open git bash on the location by right clicking .

copy SSH link from the git home page by clicking the Clone button Clone with SSH

Type the below code following SSH key on git bash to clone the repository

git clone < ssh url >

Commit and push from VS Code

open the repository folder on VScode

Make some changes on the file , press source control from the left sidebar. To commit the file press commit , give some comment and click the tick button on the top right side of the window.

press push upload the files to gitlab .

Building a website

HTML vs CSS vs Java Script

Following is what I understood from my instructor ,

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the standard markup language for creating web pages. It gives structure to the content on a web page, defining headings, paragraphs, images, and links.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a stylesheet language that allows you to apply styles to your HTML content. It gives a web page its visual appearance, specifying font styles, colors, and layout.

JavaScript is a scripting language that enables you to make a web page dynamic and interactive. It allows you to add interactivity, like form validation, responsive pop-ups, and animations, to a web page.

In simple terms, HTML gives structure to a web page, CSS adds visual styling to it, and JavaScript makes it interactive.

When I got started with Gitbash…

When I made the initial commit to my student template…

An amazing live server extension that helps me see the effects of my changes live…

Interactive Git Branching Tutorial: Learn Git Branching

Watch the Git Tutorial on YouTube: Git Tutorial Video

When I learnt first 3 magic words in Git…

After editing on VSCode, I had developed my webpage.Heroshot of my page